Primordial transcript #1
Schwaz: Did you ever
figure out what it actually was that made you lose your voice at Bloodstock?
Nemtheanga: Well, what it seems
to have been is something called temporary vocal chord paralysis. It
seems to have been an allergic reaction to a certain chemical in the
smoke machine. I do remember being on the stage at the time, singing
fine, and literally [pauses] I remember thinking to myself: fucking
hell, I’ve never experienced smoke that intense on the stage –
literally, you couldn’t even see the crowd at some stages. And I
remember taking a big, well [slight chuckle], breath of it basically
and from one line to the next my voice just completely disappeared –
well, obviously. What can you do? I guess I’ve done
400-and-something gigs and that’s the first time it’s ever
happened [emphasises the last two words, frustration showing through
his voice]. Sod’s law that it had to happen at that particular
moment. But, you know, what can you do? You just have to take it on
the chin and go: OK, well... [trails off, his last words echoing
disappointment] You know?
S: Could see how much
it bothered: know he’s the kind of person who is frustrated not
being able to give his all. But for us watching it was kind of a
special show, despite the disappointment of not being able to see
Primordial in their full glory [I hate listening to this bit of the
recording as I actually said, ‘Primordial in their full… whatever’,
pretentiously wanting to avoid the glory cliché but coming up empty
on something better - I feel like an MP, relying on Hansard to sort out my speech later on, thus this confession, a search for absolution]. It was great to be with everyone else at that
gig and try to sing along. What was interesting was that it revealed
how difficult it is, even when you’re quite a fan, to remember
exactly where the vocal patterns go [Alan has what sounds like an
understanding laugh] when there isn’t a person who knows them by
heart leading you through a microphone, and all you have is the music
heard out in the open air at a volume that drowns the tune of your
voice [I didn’t explain all that to Alan, but that is what a former
interviewee I shall call Warhelmet would call ‘the propaganda
version’: covers all the logical bases, the way some musicians do
in email interviews but only the least interesting to talk to in
person actually produce as responses]. You know what I mean?
N: Well I mean… You
know, look, the whole thing was… It was very cool, it was quite, I
suppose quite touching or moving or something, to hear everyone
singing, to realise that that was the level of people’s support or
the popularity of the band or [he trails off with a noise like a
shrug – like he feels to go on would be superfluous speculation].
You know, that obviously the lyrics or the message in the band means
that much to people that they know all the words. And yeah, I mean it
was, it was… it will be remembered. I’m sure that it will be
remembered. Not for reasons I would want it to be. Ummm, I mean, it
never crossed my mind that we should stop or stop playing or
anything. To be honest, what we should have done is let our drummer
sing, cause he can sing really well. But at the time you don’t
think of these things. But I mean what can you do? You just have to
take it on the chin and go, alright, this is sods law and if you play
X amount of gigs I suppose eventually you’re going to play one
where your voice gives in, you know?
S: I remember the
drummer saying he could sing and you could scream. Maybe that was
just too difficult to rig up at the time?
N: No it wasn’t too
difficult. I couldn’t actually make a single noise. I couldn’t
even whisper. I couldn’t do anything, at all. He can actually sing
really well. He sings Irish Shanoh [phonetic reproduction, guessed it was Caoineadh based on a quick wikipedia search: need to follow this up, get it right] songs and he’s a
very good singer. So if we’d thought of it or there was a headset
he probably could have sang, actually.
S: Maybe you should have him sing some other time just because it would be good.
AN: [chuckles] Yeah.
[there is a note of bitterness, on relistening I feel my laugh after
the above was ill-chosen, came across almost snidy when it was meant
to just express that though such a phenomena would be irregular, I’d
be interested to hear ‘the drummer’ alongside Alan – I have now
looked up his name, it’s Simon Ó Laoghaire]
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